Hello dear one,

Hope you are doing well and have a bit of time to go through this invitation at leisure. 

Thank you for your interest in “The Infinite Abundance Game”. The purpose of this page is to introduce you to the play, the format and also to give you a sense of how to play and how it will unfold. 

Once you read through this and feel this is something you would like to explore and play with, you can go to the registration link, pay and start. If you have already made up your mind, you can simply click here. Register and pay and immediately start the play.

The Context and Purpose of the Infinite Abundance Game 

(As defined by Raj Mali, creator of various offline and online play shops and experiential journeys)

This will be a 7-week-long experiment and adventure focused on exploring various themes of Abundance. So when I say Abundance, I mean certain ease, effortlessness and an experience of the opulence of a certain kind. The Infinite Abundance game is an experiential journey to create and enjoy a certain state of being, helping you experience different forms of Abundance in various areas of life. A sense of freedom. An invitation and opportunity to truly live life as an ongoing celebration of a kind. When I talk about Abundance, I am talking about a way of being free and learning to live your life to the fullest. Not just about material wealth (which is what most people confuse Abundance with)

It does include creating Abundance in the material realm but is not restricted to just the material. It can also be an abundance of money, work, time, experiences of love, travels, ecstasy, passion and truth. Abundance of different kinds can lead to a richer and more nourishing life experience. So if you are looking for ways to increase your income and investments, that's a very narrow focus for this game. The game also focuses on that but is not restricted to this tiny focus area. It goes beyond that. But if you want to lead a more prosperous and abundant life in different areas of life, then this game will offer you opportunities to create that.

How was The Infinite Abundance Game created?

This game is inspired and informed by a small WhatsApp Workshop Raj Mali created in December 2021. It was called The Abundance Play. And as time passed and he saw something as he looked at those who participated in this play. He saw that those who played were rewarded with specific experiences of Abundance, including himself. However, upon a long reflection, he saw that he needed to make some design changes to make a game that’s sustainable and easy to play. And that’s how this game was born.

Why is it called the “Infinite” Abundance Game?

A. There are “finite” games.
For example, games like cricket or football which has a clear win and lose. There is always a fixed and finite outcome. Mostly we are more tuned towards winning and obsessing over winning.

B. Then there are “infinite” games.
For example, parenting or building wealth or loving relationships. There are games where we keep learning and keep getting better at it. There is no fixed winning or losing. Yes, an effort is required in both games, but the approach to playing the game is different.

Why do we suffer and struggle in the area of abundance and why can't we lead a fulfilled life?

We suffer the most when we mistake and approach infinite games like abundance creation from a “finite” and “limiting” gaming approach of either winning or losing.

Infinite Abundance Creation Approach 
We would like you to look at Abundance creation as an ongoing game that we can play and enjoy on a continuous basis. Yes, it does hint at some small lifestyle changes as well as specific actions. But you can reflect and decide the pace that suits you the best. There are no compulsions in this game. You can play at your own pace even beyond the time limit of 7 weeks.

Approach this game as an invitation to an adventure. An adventure to engage with the act of creating abundance as a play. Yes, it does involve work and playing like all games. But approach it as a play that you can keep coming back to again and again. Both for creating abundance as well as for the mere joy of playing.

How does the game unfold?

  1. Once you register, every week for seven weeks, you shall receive an email containing a certain number of “Balls to Play” with. 
  2. In week 1, you shall receive a “Play Guide” that details how to play and the balls for week 1. From week 2, you will get your balls to play with, as well as some surprise balls in between
  3. We recommend you create a book or a journal (either on your phone/mobile or a physical journal book to write down insights and ideas and keep track of actions and play balls. (We highly recommend this)
  4. Simply play with balls each week that we throw at you. It doesn’t matter how many balls you play with each week. What matters is that you play each week.
  5. From time to time, you shall also receive an email for a zoom call either once or twice a month, depending on the number of players playing. This video call will be to review your gaming progress as well as learn from each other. There will also be Special Play Tips and Surprise Balls shared on this call. However, this is optional and not mandatory and necessary to play.

What’s the investment for this 7-week-long play?

The investment is INR. 9,600/-. If you wish to pay from an Indian bank account, you can simply follow this link to pay and start your play.
If you wish to pay from a non-Indian bank account, then please write to us at info@redmconsulting.com

When is a good time to start the play?

The best time to start playing “The Infinite Abundance Game” is NOWWWW :)

We hope this has given you all the information that you need to decide to play this game. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line at info@redmconsulting.com

We look forward to you joining this exciting and may we humbly say a bit “life and mindset altering” game with us.

We wish you the best with the game.

Much love,
Team Red M